Affalter is a small town in which we have played several times over the years. It's set in the former East, not too far from Dresden, which now has some of the most expensive real estate in Germany due to the influx of Ruskies. ...
Lawrence: Sarah Elizabeth Affalter, BS; Nicole Catharine Berry, BS in interior design; Michelle Amanda Colgan, BS in food science and industry; Allison Marie Coon, BS in interior design; Alden Elizabeth Haugh, BS in agriculture; ...
13.11.2010 Zur Linde - Affalter, D 14.11.2010 Bergkeller - Reichenbach, D 18.11.2010 Pressenwerk - Bad Salzungen, D 19.11.2010 Augustiner Klosterkirche - Oberndorf, D 20.11.2010 Kleinkunstbühne Oberhaus - Alzey, D ...